Designed for Lacoste.12.12 Contact smart watch.
Designed for Lacoste.12.12 Contact smart watch. This app enables your watch to deliver the smart features that keep your digital essentials subtly on hand and in style. Stay connected your way – with prioritized visual and vibration notifications for calls, texts, events, social media, and more.
• Select which apps you want to receive notifications from on your smart watch, and select the vibration intensity.
• Set your daily step goals and track your progress by day, week, or month.
• Choose which calendars you want synced to your smart watch and enable or disable calendar reminders.
• Manage and prioritize contacts, so you always know when, and which of your favorite people are getting in touch with you.
• Schedule times to not receive notifications on your smart watch with the Silence Watch feature.
• Smart features and app, Engineered by HP - reimagining the brands you love with the smarts you need.
Dirancang untuk Lacoste.12.12 Hubungi menonton cerdas.
Dirancang untuk Lacoste.12.12 Hubungi menonton cerdas. Aplikasi ini memungkinkan Anda menonton untuk memberikan fitur cerdas yang membuat penting digital Anda halus di tangan dan gaya. Tetap terhubung jalan - dengan prioritas visual dan getaran pemberitahuan untuk panggilan, teks, peristiwa, media sosial, dan banyak lagi.
• Pilih aplikasi yang ingin menerima notifikasi tentang jam cerdas Anda, dan pilih intensitas getaran.
• Tetapkan tujuan langkah harian Anda dan melacak kemajuan Anda dengan hari, minggu, atau bulan.
• Pilih kalender mana yang ingin disinkronkan ke jam cerdas dan mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan pengingat kalender.
• Mengelola dan memprioritaskan kontak, sehingga Anda selalu tahu kapan, dan dimana orang favorit Anda untuk berhubungan dengan Anda.
• Jadwal kali untuk tidak menerima pemberitahuan di jam pintar Anda dengan fitur Silence Watch.
• fitur Smart dan aplikasi, Direkayasa oleh HP - Konsep Baru merek yang Anda cintai dengan kecerdasan yang Anda butuhkan.
Designed for Lacoste.12.12 Contact smart watch.
Designed for Lacoste.12.12 Contact smart watch. This app enables your watch to deliver the smart features that keep your digital essentials subtly on hand and in style. Stay connected your way – with prioritized visual and vibration notifications for calls, texts, events, social media, and more.
• Select which apps you want to receive notifications from on your smart watch, and select the vibration intensity.
• Set your daily step goals and track your progress by day, week, or month.
• Choose which calendars you want synced to your smart watch and enable or disable calendar reminders.
• Manage and prioritize contacts, so you always know when, and which of your favorite people are getting in touch with you.
• Schedule times to not receive notifications on your smart watch with the Silence Watch feature.
• Smart features and app, Engineered by HP - reimagining the brands you love with the smarts you need.